The 5-Factors Scorecard™

We surveyed 100s of digital leaders about their optimization challenges. Most companies have similar struggles. But the highest-performing companies have five factors in common.

Your Results

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5-Factors Companies
Beat the Mark

Satisfaction across the 5 Factors means measurable business outcomes*


More likely to Rank “Excellent” in Customer Satisfaction (NPS)


More likely to exceed Annual Performance Targets

*industry leaders surveyed 2023 based on prior year performance.

The complex disciplines needed for an optimization program are in short supply.

It takes a myriad of expertise to fuel an optimization program. But many teams are stumbling along with only partial support from even the most critical of disciplines.

About The Good

The Good provides the tools, technique, and expertise you just can’t find in a single hire. Talk to an expert to learn how we improve digital experiences and fuel digital growth.

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Additive Outside Perspective

We set you free from the cage of internal politics and provide a fresh, external perspective.

Clear Path Forward

The Good gives you the roadmap to achieve results and exceed your most important KPIs.

User-Centered Digital Improvements

Make measurable improvements by keeping the spotlight on the needs of your user, not the highest-paid person in the board room.